
Data required for creating a view key

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This page outlines the data that is expected when creating a View Key as part of the Video Playback workflow.

The data property on the create View Key request will be used to pass user information to ClickView.

The table below shows some common properties the ClickView API expects, however the data being sent here will be determined by your own agreement with ClickView. Is most cases additional properties (outside of what is specified in the table) may be expected by ClickView.

Similarly certain properties may be required that are listed as optional below.


Property Name Required for teachers Required for students Description
student Required Required A boolean value identifying if the user is a student.
firstName Required Must not be sent The users first name.
surname Required Must not be sent The users surname.
email Required Must not be sent The user’s email address.
jobTitle Optional n/a The user’s job title in their school or district.
schoolName Required Required The name of the school the user belongs to.
schoolId Required Required Your internal identifier for the school.
districtName Required Required The name of the district the user belongs to.
districtId Required Required Your internal identifier for the district.


If the student property is set to true, the View Key creation will fail if the following properties are also specified.

This is done as a safeguard to ensure student PII is never being sent to ClickView.

Example teacher payload

Here is an example of a create View Key request payload with all the metadata populated.

  "mediaId": "YOUR_MEDIA_ID",
  "data": {
    "student": false,
    "firstName": "Valerie",
    "surname": "Frizzle",
    "email": "",
    "jobTitle": "Bus driver",
    "schoolName": "Walkerville Elementary School",
    "schoolId": "S123",
    "districtName": "Riverside Unified School District",
    "districtId": "D123"

Example student payload

Here is an example of a create View Key request payload for a student. You will notice we do not accept any PII for student requests.

  "mediaId": "YOUR_MEDIA_ID",
  "data": {
    "student": true,
    "schoolName": "Walkerville Elementary School",
    "schoolId": "S123",
    "districtName": "Riverside Unified School District",
    "districtId": "D123"

Best practices

Next Steps

Once you have created a view key you will need to use the reponse. Please see View key response in the Video Playback workflow.