
RSS Item object

The RSS Item complies with the RSS 2.0 specification and the Media RSS 1.5.1 specification where possible.


Elements Type Description
guid string The unique identifier of the video
link string The URL to the video in Online
category string The first category which the video is filed under.

Note: We recommend using media:category scheme=urn:clickview:category instead (see below)
title string The display title of the video (includes series name)
pubDate Date RFC 822 The date the video was added to the Library
a10:updated Date The date the video was last updated
a10:content   The embed link for the video
media:content   Contains the URL for the embed link and duration
media:thumbnail   The thumbnail for the video
media:player   The URL to the video in Online
media:title string The title of the video
media:description string The description of the video
media:rating string The rating of the video
media:category string The categories the video belongs too. The type of the category is defined by the scheme. For more information see [](#)
media:credit string Any credits associated with the video. The type of the credit is defined by the role. For more information see [](#)
media:season string The season name of the video. The number attribute contains the number value of the season
media:episodeNumber int The episode number of the video
media:productionYear int The production year of the video

Attribute Type Description
type string The type of the content
src string The URL to the video embed

Attribute Type Description
medium string The type of object
duration long The duration of the video in milliseconds
url string The URL to the video embed

Attribute Type Description
url string The URL to the image
width int The width of the image in pixels
height int The height of the image in pixels

Attribute Type Description
url string The URL to the video in Online

Attribute Type Description
scheme string The type of the category


Scheme Description
urn:clickview:category The name category the video is in. There could be more than one. Note: This is preferred over the other category field
urn:clickview:series The series of the video
urn:clickview:tag A tag describing the video. There could be more than one.

Attribute Type Description
scheme string The type of the category


Role Description
production company The company who produced the video. In the case of multiple production companies, there will be multiple elements
distributor The company who distributes the video. In the case of multiple distributors, there will be multiple elements
director The person who directed the video. In the case of multiple directors, there will be multiple elements
producer The person who produced the video. In the case of multiple producers, there will be multiple elements

Attribute Type Description
number int The number value of the season