The ClickView Image API is used to obtain the images used in various ClickView resources.
| Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
| ——— | ——– |———— | ——- |
| imageType | required | The type of image. See here for a list of types | thumbnails
| imageId | required | The image ID | X5ramO
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Example |
width | optional | The width of the image in pixels | 1920 |
height | optional | The height of the image in pixels | 1080 |
size | optional | Presets for the width and height. See here for a list of sizes | small |
ratio | optional | The ratio to lock the image to if either the width or height is left empty | 16:9 |
resizeType | optional | The resize method to use when the desired aspect ratio doesn’t match the original aspect ratio. See here for a list of resize types | crop |
cover |
bgColor | optional | The hex color of the padding (ignored if a resizeType other than crop is used) |
ffffff |
f8981d |
imageQuality | optional | The image quality as a value from 0-100 |
100 |
50 |
Returns a medium-size thumbnail
Returns a small thumbnail with an image quality of 30
Returns a thumbnail with a width of 800, height of 300 and orange borders
Returns a thumbnail with a width of 800, height of 300, stretched to fill the specified dimensions
Returns a thumbnail with a width of 800 and aspect ratio of 2:1