The ClickView Connect API is used to securely obtain the information about the signed in user or school. Please contact ClickView to obtain a client ID and secret key if you wish to use this API.
Name | Required | Description | Default | Example |
client_id | required | Your client ID. | "abc123" |
redirect_uri | required | The URI ClickView will use to post information to. | "" |
signature | required | The signature of the request. See below for an example on how to generate a signature. | "dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIHNpZ25hdHVyZSA6KA==" |
Creating a signature involves collecting all the parameters sent in the request, URL encoding them, combining all strings and finally HMAC-SHA1 hashing the string with your supplied secret key.
character to the output string.&
character to the output string.secret key
.For the following example on creating a signature we will be using the following parameters:
Key | Value |
client_id |
"abc123" |
redirect_uri |
"" |
First we percent encode our keys and values (step 1), sort the parameters in alphabetical order (step 2) and append them together using the steps outlined in step 3. This should produce the following output string:
Next we get your provided secret key (this is not your client_id
) and the output string from the above steps and run that though the HMAC-SHA1 function. For this example we are using a secret key of “mysecretkey
”. This should output the following binary value:
5C 71 86 85 EC 02 E9 E5 D6 3B D6 C0 CD 5A 6C 80 1B F3 67 AC
Finally, we convert the binary into a base64 string to create the final signature string:
ClickView will perform a HTTP post
to the provided redirect_uri
. The body will contain a application/x-www-form-urlencoded
response. The data included in this response is detailed below.
The response will also contain a signature of the response parameters (excluding the signature). This will allow you to verify the payload being posted back to you.
To verify the signature please see above. Note: Pay special attention to the fact that the request parameters are lower snake case but the response parameters are lower camel case.
Key | Type | Description | Example |
schoolId | string |
The School Id that the authenticated user is a member of. | "F437FEA9-F21A-4CA6-9C2F-E1792CF87CFE" |
region | string |
The region of the authenticated user. Region is in the format of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. | "AU" |
signature | string |
The signature of the parameters. | "SSB3b25kZXIgaWYgQ2FtIHdpbGwgZXZlciBkZWNvZGUgdGhpcyBzdHJpbmc" |